News / ESD Case Study – Valeo, Poland

ESD Case Study – Valeo, Poland

Valeo choose Flexi-Tile as their preferred supplier of ESD flooring

The Challenge:

Valeo, a leading innovator in Thermal Systems in Poland, reached out to Flexi-Tile with a pressing issue. Their current ESD floor mats were proving to be unreliable, wearing out within just six months of installation and losing their essential electrostatic dissipative properties. This frequent replacement cycle was not only costly but also disrupted their operations.

The Solution:

Valeo turned to Flexi-Tile for a solution to their ESD flooring challenges. Here’s how Flexi-Tile’s ESD floor tiles not only addressed their concerns but also resulted in excellent customer satisfaction and repeat orders:

  1. Superior Static Electricity Dissipation: Flexi-Tile ESD floor tiles offered Valeo a reliable ESD floor solution that consistently dissipates static electricity. This was vital to ensure the safety and longevity of their business assets and systems components.
  2. Exceptional Durability: Flexi-Tile ESD floor tiles demonstrated unmatched durability. Unlike their previous floor mats, there are no wear layers to compromise ESD performance over time.Flexi-Tile floor tiles come with a 10 year wear guarantee and have a life expectancy of 20+ years.
  3. Easy Installation and Maintenance: Flexi-Tile’s quick and easy installation process proved to be efficient and minimally disruptive to Valeo operations. This ease of installation translated into cost savings and allowed them to maintain uninterrupted production.

Results and Benefits:

The adoption of Flexi-Tile ESD floor tiles brought forth a series of positive outcomes for Valeo Poland:

Enhanced Product Reliability: With Flexi-Tile ESD floor tiles in place, Valeo significantly reduced the risk of costly device failures due to static electricity. 

Cost Savings: By eliminating the frequent need for ESD mat replacements from their previous supplier, Valeo reduced their costs.

Safer Work Environment: Flexi-Tile’s ESD solution created a safer working environment for Valeo employees by effectively managing static electricity, reducing the risk of accidents and ensuring a comfortable workspace.

Excellent Customer Satisfaction: Valeo was not only impressed by the performance of Flexi-Tile ESD floor tiles but also by the responsiveness and professionalism of the Flexi-Tile team. 

Repeat Orders: Due to the outstanding results and customer satisfaction achieved with this Flexi-Tile ESD floor project, Valeo recognise Flexi-Tile as a trusted supplier and have since continued to place repeat orders for their flooring needs. 


Valeo’s decision to partner with Flexi-Tile for their ESD flooring requirements has not only resolved their challenges but also significantly improved their overall operations. The transition to Flexi-Tile ESD floor tiles and their repeat business reinforces Flexi-Tile’s reputation as a reliable and innovative provider of ESD flooring solutions.

If you are searching for an ESD flooring solution to manage electrostatic discharge in your work environment, get in touch with one of our flooring experts today. We have a multi-lingual team who would be happy to answer all of your questions.

ESD flooring options from Flexi-Tile 

ESD floor in factory environment
yellow and black hazard sign

Features and benefits:

  • 10-year wear guarantee
  • Easily and quickly cleaned 
  • Minimal floor preparation before installing
  • No need for adhesives under tiles
  • Impact resistant 
  • Available in various colours and finishes
  • Anti-Slip R10 certified
  • Stain resistant
  • Impact resistant
  • Reaction to fire performance BFL-S1
  • Sound and heat insulation properties

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Get in touch

Call us on 028 9262 5898 to speak to a flooring expert or email us info@flexi-tile.comOur offices are open Mon-Fri 9am-5pm.

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